Technical Notes and Index

Optional Accessories

Rechargeable battery Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL12

Charging AC adapter Charging AC Adapter EH-68P*, EH-68P (AR)*

Battery charger

Battery Charger MH-65

AC Adapter EH-62F

Connecting the EH-62F

AC adapter



Be sure that the AC adapter cord has been properly aligned in


AC adapter and battery chamber grooves before closing the


battery-chamber/memory card slot cover. If the cord is not


properly aligned in the grooves, the cover and cord may be


damaged when the cover is closed.

USB cable

USB Cable UC-E6

Audio/video cable Audio Video Cable EG-CP14

*When using in other countries, use a plug adapter (available commercially) as necessary. For more information about plug adapters, consult your travel agency.

Approved Memory Cards

The following Secure Digital (SD) memory cards have been tested and approved for use in this camera.

Memory cards with an SD Speed Class1 rating of 6 or faster are recommended for recording movies. Movie recording may stop unexpectedly when memory cards with a lower Speed Class rating are used.


2 GB2, 4 GB3, 8 GB3, 16 GB3, 32 GB3


2 GB2, 4 GB3, 8 GB3, 16 GB3, 32 GB3


2 GB2, 4 GB3, 8 GB3, 12 GB3, 16 GB3, 32 GB3


2 GB2, 4 GB3, 8 GB3

1Specification defining minimum data transfer speeds for SD and SDHC memory cards.

2If the memory card will be used with a card reader or similar device, check that device supports 2 GB cards.

3 SDHC compliant.

If the memory card will be used with a card reader or similar device, check that device supports SDHC.

Index and Notes Technical

Contact the manufacturer for details on the above cards.