Understanding the “Define a New Array” Window
Use the Define a New Array window to
•Select the RAID Mode
•Set up the Striping Block
•Specify which disks to use for the RAID Array
The SATA ports are called channels and they are associated with adapters. The first digit in the Location field defines the adapter that the port is associated with. The 2nd digit defines the channel.
0 . 1
In the example above, 0.1 means the hard drive is attached to Adapter 0, Channel 1. The following is a list of all possible combinations:
Serial ATA
0.0Adapter 0, Channel 0 (SATA1)
0.1Adapter 0, Channel 1 (SATA2)
0.2Adapter 0, Channel 3 (SATA3)
0.3Adapter 0, Channel 4 (SATA4)
There is no such thing as Slave drive in Serial ATA. All drives are considered to be Master since there is a one to one connection between the drive and the controller.