Ø Troubleshooting
Problems with the LightJet® 500XL generally fall into four categories:
§Electronic, Optical and Mechanical Failures
§Communication Failures
§Undesirable Artifacts on Media
Retrieving the LightJet® Log
LightJet Explorer maintains a log of the actions performed by the LightJet 500XL. This is an excellent diagnostic tool and Océ service representatives may request that you refer to or send in a copy of the log to assist them during a support call. To retrieve the log:
1.In LightJet Explorer, select Utilities/Retrieve Log.
2.The log can then be saved as a text file by selecting File/Save As.
Power-up Failures
Power problems that can occur include:
§The power circuit breaker switch is on, but nothing operates.
§The power circuit breaker switch is on and the air blower, outfeed exhaust cooling fan and cardcage cooling fans are operating, but the control panel is off (no display or backlight indicator).
If either of these conditions occur:
1.Check that the power circuit breaker switch is operating by turning it off and back on once. Wait at least 15 seconds between cycles.
2.Check that the power cord is properly connected to both the wall outlet and the LightJet® 500XL.
3.Check that the dedicated circuit breaker for the LightJet® 500XL in the building’s main circuit breaker panel is on.
4.If you don’t find the problem, contact Océ (see “Product Support, Documentation and Service” on page ii).
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