General Guidelines
The table below provides basic solutions for problems you may encounter with the printer. We suggest you consult this table to troubleshoot the problems before calling for service.
Symptom | Check Items | Corrective Action |
Print quality is not good. | Refer to Print Quality Problems on page | |
| |
Paper is jammed. | Refer to Clearing Paper Jams on page | |
Nothing lights on the operation | Check that the power cord is | Turn off the printer’s power, plug in |
panel even when power is turned | properly plugged into the power | the power cord securely, and try |
on and the fan makes no noise. | outlet. | turning on the printer’s power |
| again. |
| Check that the power switch is | Set the power switch to the On |
| in the On () position. | position. |
The printer prints a status page, | Check the printer cable or the | Connect both ends of the printer |
but does not print jobs from the | interface cable. | cable securely. Try replacing the |
computer. |
| printer cable or the interface cable. |
| Check program files and | Try printing another file or using |
| application software. | another print command. If the |
| problem occurs only with a specific |
| file or application, check the printer |
| driver settings for that application. |
Printer problems may be solved easily by following the tips below. When you have encountered a problem that following the above guidelines will not solve, try the following:
•Turn the printer power off and wait for several seconds. Then, turn on the printer.
•Reboot the computer which sends the print jobs to the printer.
•Obtain and use the latest version of the printer driver. The latest versions of printer drivers and utilities are available at: http://www.olivetti.com.
•Make sure that the procedures for printing are correctly followed in the application software. Consult the documentation supplied with the application software.
•If the printer prints garbage characters or stalls when the computer is turned on, rename device driver file drvwppqt.vxd.
This file may be located in Windows\System\Iosubsys or Arcada\System folder. For technical details, visit Microsoft web site for the device driver.