OME-A-826PG Software Manual [Win 95/98/NT]
These functions in DLL are divided into several groups as follows:
1. The test functions
2. The DI/O functions
3. The AD/DA fixed-mode functions
4. The Driver functions
5. The AD Interrupt Mode functions
6. The AD DMA Mode functions
The functions of test listing as follows:
3. A826_Get_DLL_Version
4. A826_GetDriverVersion
The functions of DI/O listing as follows:
1. A826_DI
2. A826_DO
3. A826_InputByte
4. A826_InputWord
5. A826_OutputByte
6. A826_OutputWord
The functions of AD/DA listing as follows:
1. A826_DA
2. A826_AD
3. A826_ADs_Hex
4. A826_ADs_Float
The functions of Driver listing as follows:
1. A826_DriverInit
2. A826_DriverClose
3. A826_DELAY
4. A826_Check_Address
Date: Aug-15-2000 Ver: 2.2 Page 31