OME-A-826PG Software Manual [Win 95/98/NT]
3.1.3 A826_Get_DLL_Version z Description :
Read the software version
z Syntax :
WORD A826_Get_DLL_Version(void);
z Parameter :
z Return Value :
return=0x100 Î Version 1.0
z Description :
This subroutine will get the version number about the virtual device driver.
z Syntax :
WORD A826_GetDriverVersion (WORD *wDriverVersion );
z Parameter :
*wDriverVersion : [Output] the address of wDriverVersion.
When wDriverVersion=0x210 → version 2.10
z Return Value :
NoError : successful in opening the device driver
GetDriverVersionError : fail in opening the device driver.
Date: Aug-15-2000 Ver: 2.2 Page 34