OME-A-826PG Software Manual [Win 95/98/NT]
3.3.3 A826_ADs_Hex
Description :
This subroutine will perform a number of A/D conversions by polling. This
subroutine is very similar to A826_AD except that this subroutine will perform
wCount of conversions instead of just one conversion. The A/D conversing at the
ISA bus’s max. speed. The sampling rate is about 90K samples/second which
testing under Pentium-133 CPU. After A/D conversing, the A/D data are stored in
a buffer in Hex format. The wBuf is the starting address of this data buffer.
Syntax :
WORD A826_ADs_Hex(WORD wBase, WORD wChannel, WORD
wConfig,short wBuf[], WORD wCount);
Parameter :
wBase : [Input] I/O port base address, for example, 0x220
wChannel : [Input] A/D channel number
wConfig : [Input] Configuration code,
please refer to Section 1.2 for detail information
wBuf : [Output] Starting address of the data buffer
wCount : [Input] Number of A/D conversions will be performed
Return Value :
AdError1 : A/D converter error
NoError : Operation is OK
Date: Aug-15-2000 Ver: 2.2 Page 39