OME-A-826PG Software Manual [Win 95/98/NT]
3.3 A/D , D/A Functions

3.3.1 A826_AD

Description :
This subroutine will perform a A/D conversion by polling. The A/D converter is
16 bits for A82PG. This subroutine will compute the result according to the
configuration code.
Syntax :
float A826_AD(WORD wBase, WORD wChannel, WORD wConfig);
Parameter :
wBase : [Input] I/O port base address, for example, 0x220
wChannel : [Input] A/D channel number,
wConfig : [Input] Configuration code, refer to 1.2 for detail information
Return Value :
AdError2 : A/D converter error
Other value : The floating point value of A/D conversion

3.3.2 A826_DA

Description :
This subroutine will send the 16 bits data to D/A analog output. The output
range of D/A maybe 0 to 5V or 0 to10V setting by hardware jumper, JP1. The
software can not detect the output range of D/A converter. For examples, if
hardware select -5V, the 0xfff will send out 5V. If hardware select -10V, the
0xfff will send out 10V. The factory setting select 0-5V D/A output range.
Syntax :
WORD A826_DA(WORD wBase, WORD wChannel, WORD wHexValue);
Parameter :
wBase : [Input] I/O port base address, for example, 0x220
wChannel : [Input] D/A channel number, validate for 0
wHexValue : [Input] 16 bits data send to D/A converter
Return Value :
NoError : no error
DaChannelError : wChannel value error, validate only for 0
Date: Aug-15-2000 Ver: 2.2 Page 38