OME-A-826PG Software Manual [Win 95/98/NT]
3.4.3 A826_DELAY • Description:
This subroutine will delay wDownCount mS(machine independent timer).
z Syntax:
WORD A826_DELAY(WORD wBase, WORD wDownCount);
• Parameter:
wBase : [Input] I/O port base address, for example, 0x220
wDownCount : [Input] Number of mS will be delay
• Return Value:
NoError : Operation OK
AdError1 : Operation failure
• Description:
This subroutine will detect the A-826PG in I/O base address = wBase.
This subroutine will perform one A/D conversion, if success Æ find a A-826PG.
z Syntax:
WORD A826_Check_Address(WORD wBase);
• Parameter:
wBase : [Input] I/O port base address, for example, 0x220
• Return Value:
NoError : Find a A-826PG OK
AdError1 : Operation failure
Date: Aug-15-2000 Ver: 2.2 Page 43