OME-A-826PG Software Manual [Win 95/98/NT]
z Description:
This subroutine will copy the transferred interrupted data into the user’s
z Syntax:
WORD A826_GetBuffer(DWORD dwNum, short wBuffer[] )
z Parameter:
dwNum : [Input] the entry no to transfer.
*wBuffer : [Output] the address of wBuffer,
z Return Value:
NoError : successful
GetBufferError : fail
z Description:
This subroutine will copy the transferred interrupted data into the user’s
z Syntax:
WORD A826_GetFloatBuffer(DWORD dwNum, float fBuffer[] )
z Parameter:
dwNum : [Input] the entry no to transfer.
*fBuffer : [Output] the address of fBuffer,
z Return Value:
NoError : successful
GetBufferError : fail
Date: Aug-15-2000 Ver: 2.2 Page 46