Software 3
The Y Axis Min and Y Axis Max controls allow you to adjust the viewable range of temperatures to suit your particular application. The narrower the range between min and max, the more detail can be seen on the chart.
The Graph tab has a context (popup) menu, which can be accessed by right- clicking on the chart. You can access all of the options in the context menu from the Graph menu in the menu bar.
3.4.3 Data Acquisition Tab
Figure 15. Data Acquisition Tab Screen
Data Acquisition Tab
The “Data Acquisition” tab allows you to view received data in a table format. of any data as it is being recorded, or data retrieved from a file. The Start and Clear button perform the same function as the Start and Clear buttons on the Chart Tab. See Chart Tab above. The adjust button resizes the columns to the smallest size necessary to fit the data in the columns. You can also change the engineering units of the data from C to F using the C/F buttons. The Auto Scroll Rows checkbox causes the data to be scrolled up one line each time a new row of data is added to the grid.
File Menu
The Open menu item displays a dialog box which allows you to choose a data file to open and display on the graph and in the data log. This file must be a file that was saved by the Save menu item in
The Save menu item displays a dialog box which allows you to save the data currently displayed on the graph and in the data log. The file format is (*.csv) (comma separated values), which can be opened by Microsoft Excel for further analysis and charting. It is strongly recommended that you do not modify this file, or you may not be able to open it again in