Switching the device off
Press and hold the START button for more than 10 seconds then release it when two horizontal segments appear on the LCD, this way the OMRON M24/7 will be switched off. If you do not release the button in 2 seconds after the two horizontal segments appeared, the monitor will return to normal operation. This feature helps to avoid unintended
While the monitor is switched off normal functions are not available, even prescheduled measurements will not be triggered. Therefore, only in case of a valid reason should the device be switched off.
Switching the device on
The OMRON M24/7 is switched on to normal operation if the START button is pressed and held for more than 3 seconds. If the device is switched off, no other functions are available.
LCD check
Press and hold the START button 3 to 5 seconds to light up all segments of the LCD to check if they all work correctly.
Battery voltage check
Press and hold the START button for more than 5 seconds to display battery voltage on the LCD (e.g. 2_37, equal to 2.37 V, see example). After checking the voltage, please release the button, because after additional 5 seconds, the device may turn off. The unit will then return to displaying time. The voltage for fresh alkaline batteries should be over 3 V and for fully charged accumulators over 2.5 V.
Set a patient event marker
The patient can mark any event without starting a manual blood pressure measurement by pressing the EVENT button brie y. A typical causes for this use is taking medicine. The patient should be instructed to record the reason for setting an event marker in a diary (see Patient’s Quick Guide and template for patient diary at the end of this user manual).
Mark time of going to bed and rising from bed
If the DAY/NIGHT shift function is disabled during programming, the patient can press the DAY/NIGHT button to mark the time of going to bed (in the evening) and rising from bed (in the morning).
Manual DAY/NIGHT shift
If this function is enabled during the programming, then the patient can manually shift the measurement frequency period (day or night) by pressing the DAY/NIGHT button. The shift is available in the two hour period before the prescheduled shift.