S E T T I N G U P T H E P L A Y E R : A D V A N C E D
7.Dolby Digital Setup: To configure the Dolby Digital decoder, press the SELECT button to enter the Dolby Digital Setup page and press the LEFT ARROW button to exit the Dolby Digital Setup page.
A.Dual Mono: To choose the output for Dolby Digital discs encoded with two independent audio channels, such as bilingual programs. The options are:
•Stereo – Stereo output
•Mix Mono – Left and Right channels mixed to both Left and Right speakers.
B.Dynamic: To set the Dynamic Range Compression (DRC). DRC can smooth out the sonic peaks and valleys common with
8.HDMI Audio: Turns the audio output from the HDMI port on or off.
B.SPDIF – Digital audio output via HDMI will be the same as the SPDIF (digital coaxial/optical audio) output. The SPDIF setting will affect whether
C.Off – No digital audio output via HDMI.
Video Setup Page
1.Sharpness: To set the sharpness of video output. Sharpness level can be set with the following options:
•Sharp – Enables edge enhancement which is an artificial and
•Soft – Softens edges by smoothing the image which may cause slight loss of details.
•Off (recommended) – Turns off edge enhancement completely.