Manual No. 25-ULGPMU01-01

Series LGP Handheld CCD Scanner

Code 39￿Settings (continued)

Code 39 is a variable length symbology with an optional check digit ("CD") and printable start/stop ("ST/SP") characters. The following characters are supported:

Numeric characters 0 to 9

Alpha characters capital A to Z

Special characters - $ / + % and SPACE

Start/stop character is *

The checksum is calculated as the sum modulo 43 of the numerical value of the data characters.

In full ASCII mode, all 128 ASCII characters are supported. This is done by combining one of the characters +, %, $ or / with one of the alpha characters (A to Z).

String format:


data (0 or




more characters)



Options for Code 39:

*Enable full ASCII conversion

*Enable Italian Pharmaceutical conversion

*Enable check digit

*Disable transmission of the check digit

*Enable transmission of start/stop

*Enable leading A for Italian Pharmaceutical

*Selection of the minimum number of data characters

Normal Code 39 - In this mode the decoded data characters are transmitted without further translation. Full ASCII Code 39 - In this mode the decoded data characters are translated to full ASCII Code 39.

Full ASCII Code 39 if possible - In this mode the decoded data characters are translated to full ASCII code 39. Invalid combinations are not translated and are transmitted as is.

Concatenation - If a Code 39 bar code contains a leading space, the data is stored into the reader's buffer without the leading space. As soon as a Code 39 bar code is read without a leading space, the data is appended to the reader's buffer and the entire buffer is transmitted and cleared for new data. In case a non Code 39 bar code bar is transmitted and the buffer is cleared. The buffer size is reader dependant.

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