If your Concertmate 690 is not performing as it should, these suggestions might help. If you still cannot solve the problem, take your Concertmate 690 to your local RadioShack store for assistance.
Problem | Possible Cause | Suggestion |
No sound from the | Power supply problem. | Check the power supply. |
Concertmate 690 |
| Are batteries installed | |
| |
| correctly? |
| Are batteries fresh? |
| Is the adapter connected |
| properly? |
No accompaniment | MODE is set to FINGERED | Press at least three accom- |
when accompaniment | and you pressed less | paniment keys. |
keys are pressed | than three keys for a |
| chord. |
Occasional interfer- | Refrigerators, washing | Use an AC outlet on a differ- |
ence | machines and similar | ent electrical circuit, away |
| electric appliances are | from the appliance. |
| causing interference. |