4.Use a cotton swab dipped in dena- tured alcohol or tape head cleaning solution to clean the record/play heads, pinch rollers, capstans, tape guides, and erase heads.
5.When you finish cleaning, press
STOP/EJECT on TAPE 1 and TAPE 2 and close the cassette com- partment doors. Then reconnect AC power.
Your local RadioShack store sells a full line of cassette deck cleaning supplies.
Restoring Tape Tension and Sound Quality
After you play a cassette tape several times, the tape might become tightly wound on the reels. This can cause playback sound quality to deteriorate.
To restore the sound quality, fast- forward the tape from the beginning to the end of one side, then completely re- wind it. Then loosen the tape reels by gently tapping each side of the cas- sette’s outer shell on a flat surface.
Caution: Be careful not to damage the cassette when tapping it. Do not touch the exposed tape or allow any sharp ob- jects near the cassette.