Shooting Options: The Shooting Menu (A(Auto) Mode)
EISO SensitivityA(auto) Md(Shooting menu) M EISO sensitivity
Shooting on More
Sensitivity is a measure of the camera’s response to light. The higher the sensitivity, the less light is needed to expose an image. Although high ISO sensitivity settings are suited to pictures of moving subjects or those taken under dim lighting, high sensitivity settings are often associated with “noise” - randomly spaced, brightly colored pixels - concentrated in dark portions of the image.
Auto (default setting)
Sensitivity is ISO 80 when there is sufficient lighting, the camera compensates by raising sensitivity to a maximum of ISO 1600 when lighting is dim.
Fixed range auto
Choose the range in which the camera automatically adjusts ISO sensitivity, from ISO
80, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200
Sensitivity is locked at the specified value.
At the settings other than Auto, the current setting is displayed in the monitor
(A6). If Auto is selected and the sensitivity is raised above ISO 80, the Eicon will be displayed (A 31). When Fixed range auto is selected, Uand the maximum value of ISO sensitivity is displayed.
BNote on ISO sensitivity
•There may be functions with which this setting cannot be enabled. See “Camera Settings that Cannot Be Applied Simultaneously” (A49) for more information.
•Motion detection (A 135) does not function when any option other than Auto is selected in the ISO sensitivity setting.