Making a call
Enter the phone number (max. 24 digits)
Following incorrect input, press to delete the last digit
or | Dial the phone number |
It is also possible to press the external call button first to obtain dial tone. The digits entered will then be dialled immediately.
End a call
End the call
Take a call
or | Take the call |
Your telephone stores the last 3 telephone numbers dialled (max. 24 digits each).
Open the redial list
4 , or | Select an entry and dial the number |
Calling back missed calls
Your telephone stores the last 30 incoming calls in the calls list.
Open the calls list
4 or 5, or | Select an entry and dial the number |
Dialling phone numbers from the phone book
There must be phone numbers stored in the phone book.
See page 13. Your telephone can store up to 50 name and number entries in the phone book.
Open the phone book
4 or 5, or | Select an entry and dial the number |
Quick dial
Phone numbers must have been stored as quick dial numbers. See page 7.
M1 or M2 | Press the required quick dial button |
or | Dial the number |