7.When you’re done recording, press Stop or Center to stop recording.
8.(Optional) To review the video in Windows Media Player
Mobile, press Thumbnails , highlight the video, and then press Center. Press OK
to return to the Thumbnail View in Pictures & Videos.
Viewing a picture or video
1.Press Start and select Pictures & Videos.
2.Select the picture or video you want to view. For more info on viewing videos, see “Playing media files on your smartphone” on page 64.
3.Press OK to return to the Thumbnail View.
NOTE To view pictures or videos in a different folder, go the Thumbnail View, select the Show list in the upper left, and then select the album you want to view.
Creating a video ringtone
You can save a video that you record as a ringtone.
1.Press Start and select Pictures & Videos.
2.Highlight the video you want to use as a ringtone.
3.Press Menu and select Save to Contact Ring Tone.
4.Select the contact you want to assign the ringtone to.