Retrieving voicemail messages
When you have unretrieved voicemail messages, a Voicemail icon appears at the top of your screen and the left action key is labeled Voicemail.
1.Go to your Today screen.
2.Press and hold the 1 key (or tap Voicemail or press Voicemail
) to dial Verizon Wireless’s voicemail system.
3.Enter your voicemail password using the keyboard, or press Extra Digits if you defined this option (see “Creating a speed dial button” on page 32 for details).
4.Select Play to listen to your messages.
NOTE You don’t need to press Option to enter numbers, *, or # when responding to voicemail prompts.
When you make or receive a call, the active call info appears on your Today screen.
During a call, you can do any of the following:
■Put the call on hold: Press Hold . To take the call off
hold, press Off Hold .
■Use the and select Speakerphone. To return to the earpiece, press Menu
again and select Speakerphone off. | Caller’s name | Current duration |
| and number | of call |