Xplore G18
Table of Contents
Performing Common Tasks
Working with Communication Applications
Using an Expansion Card 258
About This Guide
Electronic devices
Traffic safety
Phone operating
Other medical devices
Persons with pacemaker
Hearing aids
Posted facilities
Potentially explosive environment
G18 PDA Phone
System requirements for Windows
G18 components
Locating front panel controls
Up Key
Introduction to the G18 PDA Phone
Locating back panel components
Desktop Charger
Installing phone battery
Charging the battery
Tapping versus clicking
Important Notice
Starting pda phone and calibrating screen
To calibrate your screen
To adjust the brightness of your pda phone screen
Adjusting the brightness of your screen
Adjusting the contrast of your screen
To adjust the contrast of your pda phone screen
To open applications
To open an application
Using the pda phone interface
Using the pda phone interface
Text areas and screens in which you can enter information
Using menus and menu commands
To display a menu bar and choose a command
To display a tip
Displaying tips
Entering data
Tap Done after reading the tip
Connecting the HotSync cable
Palm Desktop software
To connect your HotSync cable
Installing Palm Desktop
To install Palm Desktop
To use the onscreen keyboard
Using the onscreen keyboard
Entering Data in Your G18 PDA Phone
Entering data using Graffiti 2 handwriting software
Learning to write Graffiti 2 characters
General Guidelines for Graffiti 2 Writing
To write Graffiti 2 letters
Graffiti 2 tips
Graffiti 2 alphabet
Writing punctuation marks and other special characters
Entering Data in Your G18 PDA Phone
Using the Graffiti 2 tuner
To use the tuner
Tap on one of the letters available for you to tune
Using Graffiti 2 Gestures
Using Graffiti 2 ShortCuts
To use a ShortCut
To create a ShortCut
To delete a ShortCut
Importing data
To edit a ShortCut
To import data
Creating records
To create a record
Selecting Text
Using the Edit menu
Editing records
Do one of the following to display the Edit menu
Deleting records
To use the Edit menu
To delete a record in any of the basic applications
Purging records
Categorizing records
To purge records
To add or edit application categories
To move a record into a category
To display a category of records
Select any of the following options
To rename a category
To look up an Address Book record
Finding records
Finding Address Book records
Using the Find option
To use the Find option
To use Phone Lookup
Using Phone Lookup
Sorting records
To sort records in the To Do List applications
To sort the Memo List manually
Making records private
To sort records in the Address Book and Memo Pad
To make a record private
To hide private records
To display private records
To attach a note to a record
Attaching notes
Choosing fonts
Tap the font style you want then tap OK
To change the font style
Open an application Do one of the following
Getting information on an application
To display the About box
To open the Applications Launcher
Using the Applications Launcher
Selecting applications
To categorize an application
Categorizing applications
Changing the Applications Launcher display
To display applications by category
To display the last-selected category of applications
Setting preferences for applications
To change the view of applications
To set preferences for an application
To change the Buttons preferences
To change what the full-screen pen stroke activates
To change the HotSync buttons preferences
Tap the application you want to assign to each button
Installing add-on applications
Installing games
To install add-on applications on your pda phone
Managing Applications
Removing Palm Desktop
Windows, from the Start menu, choose Settings Control Panel
Removing applications
To remove an add-on application
Removing Palm Desktop
Working with Communication Applications
Making a call
Using the Phone
To open the Phone application
Press the End Call Key to end the call
Receiving a call
Tap the Menu icon Choose Call Call Setting
Call Setting
When the call is connected
Call Waiting
Call line ID
Auto redial
Tap the Menu icon Choose Call Call Time
Call Time
Call Records
Tap the Menu icon Choose Call Speed dial
Speed Dial
Choose Call Call Records
Changing PIN/PIN2/Barring Code
Phone Security Setting
Tap the Menu icon Choose Security Setting
Setting Enable/PIN Code
Fix Dialing
Phone ringing Setting
Ringing set
Incoming type
Quick Switch
Testing the Phone Connection
Tap Phone
Conference call/ Call Devert
To open the SMS
Using the SMS Short Message
Function list
SMS setting
Writing SMS & Sending SMS
List view, select proper records in the relative box
Receiving SMS
Replying SMS & Forwarding SMS
Delete the short mssage to dustbin
Answer the addresser
Delete forever
Using the jMMS
To open the jMMS application
Select your favorite color and tap OK or tap Cancel
Select a drawing tool, for example select
Tap the icon in the upper right corner to pop a list
Tap icon or icon in the upper right corner to pop a list
Tap Save icon in the toolbar to save the picture
New and Send
Create a picture Edit a picture
Using the EMailer
To open the EMailer application
Done Delete Detail Cancel
Lookup button OK button
To choose the folder
To create and send an e-mail
To browse an e-mail
To reply an e-mail
To edit an e-mail
To delete an e-mail
To search
To open the WAP Browser application
Using the WAP Browser
Getting To Know The WAP Browser
Enabling Cache
Surfing Net
Clearing Cache
Enabling Cookies
See alsoAddress Bar
Using the STK SIM Tool Kit
Working with Studio Applications
To set the preferences of a photograph
Using the Camera
To open the Camera application
Taking photos
Browsing Photos
Source of Melody
Using the MelodyManager
To open the MelodyMgr application
To listen or delete a melody
Introductions of buttons
Using the Photo Album
Album list
Default Photo Album
To create album
To delete photos
Deleting Album
To play album
To browse photos
To create a picture
Using the Photo Editor
To open the Photo Editor application
To save pictures
To edit a picture
Choosing a picture
To adjust size
To add picture frame
Zoom In/Zoom Out
To move picture
To change the effect
To set the thickness of line and the foreground color
To choose an area
To hide toolbar
To add individual signature
To add seal
Working with Main Applications
To open the Address Book application
Using the Address Book
New/Edit the record
Record List
Dialog Box
Browsing the details of records
Birthday Setting
Address in SIM Card
To edit the contact a. Tap the Edit button
To make a call
Using the Clock
To open the Clock application
Tap the current month Tap the current date
To set Date
Tap the Set Date box Tap the arrow to choose current year
To set Time
To set Time Zone
To set Daylight Saving
Alarm Setting
Repeat None no repeat. Daily repeat everyday
Alarm Detail
End On
Using the Clock
To open the Calculator application
Using the Calculator
Using the Calculator buttons
To display recent calculations
When you have finished reviewing the calculations, tap OK
Displaying recent calculations
To open the Date Book application
Using the Date Book
Use the Date Book to
Scheduling events
Scheduling timed events
To schedule a timed event for the current date
Tap the time to display the Set Time dialog box
To schedule a timed event for another date
Select the date you want in one of the following ways
Enter a description of the event
Tap a blank area on the screen to deselect the untimed event
Scheduling repeating or continuous events
To schedule a repeating or continuous event
Select one of the following options
Making changes to repeating or continuous events
To delete repeating events
About scheduling repeating or continuous events
To reschedule an event
Adding Address Book information to an event
Rescheduling events
To set an alarm for an event
Setting the alarm
Setting an alarm for an event
To dismiss the alarm using the snooze option
Setting alarm options
To open the Preferences dialog box, do one of the following
To set alarm options
Changing the Date Book view
Working in Week view
To display the Date Book views
To display the current time
To display the Week view
Tips for using Week view
Spotting event conflicts
Working in Month view
To display the Agenda View
Tips for using Month view
Working in Agenda view
To change the Date Book display of events
Tips for using Agenda view
Changing the Date Book display
For Day view, select from the following options
To change the start and end time in the Date Book
Using the Date Book
Using the GSL Launcher
To open the GSL Launcher application
To Hide/Unhide Categories
To view Categories and Modules
To choose Icon Mode
To delete applications
To view Information
To open the Memo Pad application
Using the Memo Pad
Use the Memo Pad to
Creating memos
To create a new memo
Tap the Done button
Memo List, tap the text of the memo
Reviewing memos
To review a memo
Browse or edit the text in the memo Tap the Done button
Choose the sort mode from the pick list
Adding ShortHand entries
Using the ShortHand
To open the ShortHand application
Tap the icon at the bottom to change the color of font
Using the ShortHand
Using the ShortHand
To open the To Do List application
Using the To Do List
Use the To Do List to
To set the priority of a To Do List item
To check off a To Do List item
To change the priority and due date of a To Do List item
To display completed and due items in the To Do List
To Do List function list
Record Option
Using the To Do List
Enjoy with Game Applications
To start the game
Bejeweled Easy Mode
Playing the Bejeweled
Bejeweled Timed Mode
Tab Game Settings
Winning the game
Bejeweled Hidden Features
There are a few extra features we built
You can
Playing the Bejeweled
Playing the Big Money
Game Rules
Big Money Hidden Features
How To Play
Challenge mode
Quest Mode
Time Trial mode
Game Modes
Other Options
Insaniquarium Hidden Features
Reset Quest
Game scoring
Playing the MegaBowling
Scoresheet Samples
Abandon game
Game type
IR game
Hi Score
Arcade mode
Stroke mode
To Use menu of Zap!2000
Color Tips
Working with Utility Applications
To inquire Word
Using the E-C Dict
To open the E-C Dict application
To get explanations and examples of a word
After input finished,tapEnter button to enter word
Functions of buttons
Functions of syntax inquiry
Tap Done to return to the word browsing interface
Searching for a string
Tap V.Inflection to browse the syntax of the current word
Return to previous interface
Using the SD Manager
To open the SD Manager application
Choose applications in the Manager interface
Select applications in the Manager interface
Number of selected applications
Choose Tool Create folder
Choose Tool Rename
Using the SD Manager
Working with System Applications
To personalize your pda phone
Customizing your pda phone
To open the Preferences application
To enter the Preferences screen
To set the date
To set the date, time, and time zone
To unlock the Owner Preferences screen
To set the time zone
Tap the month then tap the current date
To set the time
To set daylight saving time
To choose a country as default
To format the date, time, and numbers
To set the auto-off delay time
To set the auto shutoff interval
To set the sounds
To set the sounds and volumes
To set the Language
Customizing your pda phone
Localize User Interface
To set Adv.Setting
To set PowerOn
WAP Browser
To mask private records
Assigning security options
Masking and hiding records
Tap the Applications icon
Assigning and editing passwords
To assign, change, or delete a password
To turn on and unlock your pda phone
To lock your pda phone with a password
Locking your pda phone
Recovering from a forgotten password
To delete a forgotten password
Using CardInfo
To open the CardInfo application
Using CardInfo
Backup Function
Flash Backup Manager
To open the Flash Backup Manager
Zircon data storage
Please note when backing up files
Enable Low Bat Backup
Backup via Flash Backup Manager
Restore via Flash Backup Manager
Flash Backup Manager
Flash Backup Manager
Exchanging Updating Data using HotSync Operations
Performing a HotSync operation for the first time
Performing the first local HotSync operation
To perform a local HotSync operation
Creating a user profile
To create a user profile
To set the HotSync options
Selecting HotSync setup options
To use a profile for the first-time HotSync operation
Exchanging and Updating Data using HotSync Operations
From the HotSync Manager menu, choose Custom
Customizing HotSync application settings
To customize HotSync application settings
Exchanging and Updating Data using HotSync Operations
Check if your computer supports infrared communication
IR HotSync operations
Preparing your computer for infrared communication
To check the ports used for infrared communication
Performing an IR HotSync operation
Configuring HotSync Manager for infrared communication
To configure HotSync Manager for infrared communication
To perform an IR HotSync operation
To return to HotSync cable synchronization operations
Returning to using the HotSync cable for HotSync operations
Conducting a HotSync operation via the modem
Preparing your computer
To prepare your computer for a modem HotSync operation
Preparing your pda phone
To prepare your pda phone for a modem HotSync operation
Selecting conduits for a modem HotSync operation
Performing a HotSync operation via a modem
To perform a modem HotSync operation
To prepare your computer for a network HotSync operation
Conducting a HotSync operation via a network
Network HotSync software requires the following
From the HotSync Manager menu, choose Network
Conducting a HotSync operation via a network
Using File Link
To prepare your device for a network HotSync operation
Using the Attention Manager
Using the Reminder dialog screen
Setting alarm sound effects
Using the Attention Manager
Subtle alarms
Using an Expansion Card
Launching an application on the G18
Displaying G18 application information
Copying a G18 application to your handheld or desktop
To display the application version, tap version
Application is copied to the selected destination
Beaming applications on the G18
Using an Expansion Card