100 Chapter 6 : Personal information
2Go to the day you want, open the application menu and tap New >
All Day Event.
3Enter the event details.
Change the Calendar display
You can change the display of Calendar to show the events from all of your
calendars or just the events recorded in one of your calendars. You can also
change the color of each calendar, and whether the calendar view shows by
day, week, or month.
1Open Calendar .
2Tap an icon on the bottom of the screen to see different calendar
3Tap the account icon in the upper-right corner to do any of the
To switch the Calendar account you're viewing: Tap All or one of
your Calendar accounts.
To remove a Calendar account from the layered calendar view (All):
Scroll down and tap Calendar View Options. For the account you
want to remove, tap On to switch the view option to Off.
To change the color that identifies a Calendar account: Scroll down
and tap Calendar View Options. Tap the current color, and then
tap a new color in the list.
Move around in Calendar
Next or previous day: In Day view, swipe left or right on the screen.
Next or previous week: In Week view, swipe left or right on the screen.
Next or previous month: In Month view, swipe up or down on the screen.
Go to a specific month, date, or year: Open the application menu and tap
Jump To. Tap the month, day, and year and tap Go To Date.
Go to today: Open the application menu and tap Show today.
Table 1. Calendar Views
Icon Description
Day view
Week view
Month view
TIP Other ways to go to today: When you’re in Day View, just tap the Day view
icon. Also, in the application menu, tap Jump To and tap Go To Tod ay.