Chapter 17 Using Palmâ„¢ VersaMailâ„¢ Personal E-mail Software
4. Tap the name of the account you want to delete, and then tap Delete.
5. Tap Yes in the Delete Confirmation dialog box to delete the account and all
associated e-mail messages.
6. Press Function + Enter , or tap OK.
After you perform the next HotSync operation, the memory associated with an
account and its messages is released.
Selecting a different service for a given e-mail account
When you set up connections on your handheld (in the Connection Preferences
screen), you pair each connection with a network service (in the Network
Preferences screen) and then select one of these services to be the default for all
network activity (sending and receiving e-mail, surfing the Web, and so on) on
your handheld. By default, the VersaMail application uses this default service for
sending and receiving messages for all e-mail accounts you set up.
However, for any given e-mail account, you have the option of switching to a
different service for use with that account only. For example, the default service
you have selected for your handheld may be called My GPRS and use a GPRS
connection. You may also have set up an e-mail account called My Earthlink,
which runs on the My GPRS connection by default. However, if you travel into an
area that does not have GPRS coverage, you may want to switch your My Earthlink
account to the service called Earthlink GSM, which uses a GSM dial-up connection.