Getting, sending, and managing e-mail

To change the sort order:

1. Tap the Sort By pick list, and then tap the column name.
2. Tap Descend or Ascend to change the sort order.

To change the size of a column in the folder’s list view:

1. Tap and hold the stylus on the column divider.
2. Drag the column divider to change the width of the column.
Moving e-mail between folders
You can move one or more e-mail messages between folders.

To move one e-mail message:

1. Press Right on the navigator to move to and open the folders pick list in the
upper-right corner of the screen. Press Up or Down to move to the folder you
want, and the press Select to select the folder.
Alternately, tap the folders pick list in the upper-right corner of the screen, and
then tap the folder name.
2. Tap the icon to the left of the message, press Right on the navigator to open the
Message menu, press Down to move to the Move To option, and then press
Select to select this option.
Drag the column
divider left or right to
make the column
narrower or wider