Username 167, 173, 180
changing 235
editing in account 178
entering 235
for ISP 347
identifying handheld 358
synchronizing existing 162
vCal 29
vCard 29
Vendor for Expense item 96
icons 189
setting preferences for 217
VersaMail application 161–251
Vibrate alarm 321
archive messages 148
deleted messages 149
draft messages 149
incoming messages 147
messages with attachments 148
messages, overview 147
outgoing messages 148
Voice jack 13
Voicemail, retrieving 117
Volume dialog box 107
Volume, adjusting headset 107
WAP Browser
menus 274
problems 383
WAP Identity Module
description 266
protect with password 266
viewing certificate 273
WAP page
bookmark 258
download new 264
downloading 255
WAP site
browsing 255
opening 254
secure sites 256
title bar 255
WAP stack configuration, changing 265
Documents To Go 162
sites 383
Week (Date Book view) 87–88, 319, 385
description 266
protect with password 266
viewing certificate 273
Windows, system requirements 4
Wireless carrier
default e-mail account 163–164
Wireless features 5
Wireless modem 178
Wireless service provider
access services 142
password 348
username 347
World Clock
alarm 281
alarm preferences 282
display options 282
menus 282
opening 275
Time Zone 279
Writing area 11
Writing. See Entering data
WTLS Conn. Oriented mode 265
WTLS Connectionless mode 265