Chapter 18 Using Palm™ WAP Browser
Time of arrival: The time of arrival is set differently depending on when the
message was received. If it was received today, the time of arrival is shown. If
received yesterday, the text Yesterday is displayed. If received earlier than
yesterday, the date of arrival is displayed.
Tapping a message opens the Push Message dialog box, showing all available
information about the message. This dialog box displays the following:
From: Where the message came from
Received: Date and time the message was received
URL: The URL associated with the message
Message: The content of the message
Using advanced features
Palm WAP Browser has many advanced features that allow you to modify
performance and set security features. These options affect the performance of
your browser and should be set by knowledgeable users. You may want to consult
with technical support from your wireless service provider before changing some
of these options.
Changing gateways
When you connect to the Internet, you normally connect through the default WAP
gateway. Gateways are servers used to access WAP sites.
NOTE Generally, the gateway is automatically set by your wireless service provider
and it may be hidden or locked. Changing this setting can disable your Palm WAP
Browsers ability to access sites, so please exercise caution if you alter this setting.
Tap address to open WAP site
Tap Done to close and save message
Tap Delete to delete message