Screen displays (continued)
Please check the card.
If you use an SD Memory Card that has been used with other devices or personal computers, for the first time with this unit, CHECK CARD may be displayed and the unit cannot operate. In this case, perform the following:
A Remove the SD Memory Card from the unit and reinsert it. (Page 30)
The CHECK CARD display may disappear if the unit detects the card.
B If CHECK CARD remains displayed even if you remove and insert the card several times, check the contents of the card and delete all its data, using a personal computer.
C Format the card with this unit. (Page 30)
If the data in the card is unreadable or cannot be deleted with a personal computer, the card may be damaged. Use another SD Memory Card.
CLIP NUMBER IS FULLNo more clips can be recorded with this card.
CONTROL DATA ERROR HAS BEEN DETECTED.An error has been detected in the control information.
INCOMPATIBLE DATAData are incompatible with this unit.
If INCOMPATIBLE DATA is displayed and the unit cannot operate, perform the following:
A Remove the SD Memory Card from the unit. B Check the contents of the card and delete
all its data, using a personal computer. C Format the card with this unit. (Page 30)
If the data in the card is unreadable or cannot be deleted with a personal computer, the card may be damaged. Use another SD Memory Card.
INCOMPATIBLE CARD.PLEASE CHECK CARD.Recording may not be successful with this card. Please check the card.
LOW BATTERYThe remaining battery power is low.
LOW INTERNAL BATTERYThe remaining power of the internal battery is low.
NO CARDNo card is inserted.
NO DATAThere are no clips in the card.
NOW ACCESSING.PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CARD.Card is currently being accessed. Please do not remove the card.
PLAYBACK ONLYThe card is for playback only.
REC STOPPED BY REC SIZE LIMIT. PLEASE PUSH REC BUTTON AGAIN TO RESTART.Recording has stopped, as the maximum file size that can be recorded has been exceeded. If you wish to continue recording, press the START/STOP button.
SD CARD FORMAT? YES NODo you wish to format the SD Memory Card now?
SET DATE AND TIME Set the date and time.■T
THE CLIP IS PROTECTED. PLEASE CANCEL PROTECTION.The clip is protected. Please cancel the protection.