Before calling for service (continued)Playback
Cannot play even when I

• Is the PB lamp on? If the CAMERA lamp is on, press the

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press the play button.

POWER/Mode selector switch so that the PB lamp turns on.



• Is the recording format correct?

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Change to a recording format for proper playback.



• Are the SD Memory Cards inserted in reverse left-right order?

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Insert the left and right SD Memory Cards correctly.


Mosaic-like noise appears

• This noise is inherent to digital video technology. This is normal.

when I cue or review a clip.






A black screen appears

• When playing back multiple clips in succession, a black screen

during clip changeover.

appears at the changeover between clips. This is normal.


Images do not appear on

• Make sure the input selector on your television is set to video

the television even though

input. Read the television’s instructions carefully and select the


I have connected the

correct video input connector for the camera-recorder.


camera-recorder properly.

• Is the 3D setting correct on your television?


Read the television’s instructions carefully and select the



correct setting.



• Is the setting for the output terminal correct?

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Set it correctly on the AV OUT SETUP screen.


Cannot hear any sound

• You may have turned down the camera-recorder’s volume

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from the camera-recorder’s

control too far.



Adjust the volume level using the AUDIO MON/ADV button +.


There is a rattling sound

• This is the sound of the lens moving. This is not a fault. No

when the camera-recorder

sound should be heard when the camera’s power is switched


is tilted back and forth.



A clicking sound is heard

• This initialization operation is performed when the camera starts

when the power is turned

up. It occurs due to the construction of the camera and is not



indicative of any trouble.


The SD Memory Card

• The data on the card could be corrupted. Data can be corrupted

screen appears strange.

by static electricity and electromagnetic waves. Please always



save important data to a computer or other storage media.


The SD Memory Card

• There could be a fault with the camera or with the SD Memory

cannot be used even after

Card. Please consult the place of purchase. Always use only



SD Memory Cards of 512 MB - 32 GB with this camera.


The camera does not

• Was the inserted SD Memory Card originally formatted with

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recognize the SD Memory

a computer? Always use this camera to format SD Memory


Card even though it is

Cards. Please be aware that, when an SD Memory Card is


inserted correctly.

formatted, all data recorded on the card will be erased and will



not be restorable.


The SD Memory Card is not

• Please check that the device is compatible with the capacity or

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recognized when inserted

type (SD Memory Card/SDHC Memory Card) of the SD Memory


into other devices.

Card that you are using.



For details, please consult the device’s own operating


