| ||||
| DISC | DISC1 | DISC2 |
| DISC3 |
| 1 | 2 |
| 3 |
| Numbered |
| FL SELECT | 4 | 5 |
| 6 | |
| buttons | |
| 7 | 8 |
| 9 | |
| |
| 0 |
| 10 |
| SLOW/SE | H |
| |
S |
| ||
| ARC |
| ||
| OP | PAUSE | PL |
| ||
| ST |
| AY |
Entering a password (Ratings)
The password screen is shown when you select levels 0 to 7.
1.Input a
≥If you enter a wrong number, press [CANCEL] to erase it.
2.Press [ENTER].
≥The lock symbol appears closed to show the rating is locked.
≥Do not forget your password.
3.Press [ENTER] to confirm the 4 digits.
Now, when you insert a
Follow the
3, 4, 2, 1
Digital output
Change the settings when you have connected equipment through this unit’s DIGITAL AUDIO OUT terminal (OPTICAL).
PCM Down Conversion
Common procedures
See page 18 for menu and option details.
1 Press [SETUP] to show the menus.
SETUP | Disc |
| |
| Audio | English |
| Subtitle | Automatic |
| Menus | English |
| Ratings | Level 8 |
≥The QUICK SETUP screen appears when you press [SETUP] the first time after purchase (➜ page 7).
2 Press [2, 1] to select the menu’s tab.
The screen changes to display the menu.
Disc ,. Video ,. Audio ,. Display ,. Others
J |
3 Press [3, 4] to select the item you want to change and press [ENTER].
4 Press [3, 4, 2, 1] to select the option and press [ENTER].
The screen now shows the menu again.
To return to the previous screen
Press [RETURN].
To exit the SETUP menu
Press [SETUP].
Select how to output audio with a sampling frequency of 96 kHz or 88.2 kHz.
≥Select “Yes” if the equipment you connect cannot process signals with a sampling frequency of 96 kHz or 88.2 kHz.
No (Factory preset): Output as 96 kHz or 88.2 kHz
Yes: Converted to 48 kHz or 44.1 kHz
≥Signals are converted to either 48 kHz or 44.1 kHz despite the above settings if the signals have a sampling frequency of over 96 kHz, or the disc has copy protection.
≥Some equipment cannot handle sampling frequencies of 88.2 kHz, even if they can handle 96 kHz. Read your equipment’s operating instructions for details.
Dolby Digital, DTS Digital Surround and MPEG§
Bitstream (Factory preset for Dolby Digital):
Select if the equipment you connected can decode the signal.
PCM (Factory preset for DTS Digital Surround and MPEG§): Select if the equipment you connected cannot decode the signal.
§MPEG: Units for Australia and N.Z.
If the equipment you connected cannot decode the signal, the setting must be changed to PCM. If not, signals the equipment cannot process will be output by this unit, causing high levels of noise which can damage your hearing and the speakers.
Advanced operations
Language code list
Abkhazian: | 6566 | Byelorussian: | 6669 | Georgian: | 7565 | Kashmiri: | 7583 | Mongolian: | 7778 | 8372 | Tigrinya: | 8473 | |
Afar: | 6565 | Cambodian: | 7577 | German: | 6869 | Kazakh: | 7575 | Nauru: | 7865 | Shona: | 8378 | Tonga: | 8479 |
Afrikaans: | 6570 | Catalan: | 6765 | Greek: | 6976 | Kirghiz: | 7589 | Nepali: | 7869 | Sindhi: | 8368 | Turkish: | 8482 |
Albanian: | 8381 | Chinese: | 9072 | Greenlandic: | 7576 | Korean: | 7579 | Norwegian: | 7879 | Singhalese: | 8373 | Turkmen: | 8475 |
Ameharic: | 6577 | Corsican: | 6779 | Guarani: | 7178 | Kurdish: | 7585 | Oriya: | 7982 | Slovak: | 8375 | Twi: | 8487 |
Arabic: | 6582 | Croatian: | 7282 | Gujarati: | 7185 | Laotian: | 7679 | Pashto, Pushto: | 8083 | Slovenian: | 8376 | Ukrainian: | 8575 |
Armenian: | 7289 | Czech: | 6783 | Hausa: | 7265 | Latin: | 7665 | Persian: | 7065 | Somali: | 8379 | Urdu: | 8582 |
Assamese: | 6583 | Danish: | 6865 | Hebrew: | 7387 | Latvian, Lettish: | 7686 | Polish: | 8076 | Spanish: | 6983 | Uzbek: | 8590 |
Aymara: | 6588 | Dutch: | 7876 | Hindi: | 7273 | Lingala: | 7678 | Portuguese: | 8084 | Sundanese: | 8385 | Vietnamese: | 8673 |
Azerbaijani: | 6590 | English: | 6978 | Hungarian: | 7285 | Lithuanian: | 7684 | Punjabi: | 8065 | Swahili: | 8387 | Volapük: | 8679 |
Bashkir: | 6665 | Esperanto: | 6979 | Icelandic: | 7383 | Macedonian: | 7775 | Quechua: | 8185 | Swedish: | 8386 | Welsh: | 6789 |
Basque: | 6985 | Estonian: | 6984 | Indonesian: | 7378 | Malagasy: | 7771 | Tagalog: | 8476 | Wolof: | 8779 | ||
Bengali; Bangla: 6678 | Faroese: | 7079 | Interlingua: | 7365 | Malay: | 7783 | Romanian: | 8279 | Tajik: | 8471 | Xhosa: | 8872 | |
Bhutani: | 6890 | Fiji: | 7074 | Irish: | 7165 | Malayalam: | 7776 | Russian: | 8285 | Tamil: | 8465 | Yiddish: | 7473 |
Bihari: | 6672 | Finnish: | 7073 | Italian: | 7384 | Maltese: | 7784 | Samoan: | 8377 | Tatar: | 8484 | Yoruba: | 8979 |
Breton: | 6682 | French: | 7082 | Japanese: | 7465 | Maori: | 7773 | Sanskrit: | 8365 | Telugu: | 8469 | Zulu: | 9085 |
Bulgarian: | 6671 | Frisian: | 7089 | Javanese: | 7487 | Marathi: | 7782 | Scots Gaelic: | 7168 | Thai: | 8472 |
Burmese: | 7789 | Galician: | 7176 | Kannada: | 7578 | Moldavian: | 7779 | Serbian: | 8382 | Tibetan: | 6679 |