— 30 —
103/4 oz. (23/16 C) bread flour
51/4 oz. (11/8 C) cake flour
3 TBSP dry milk
1 tsp salt
2 oz. butter or margarine
6 fl.oz. (3/4 C) water
2 tsp dry yeast
7 oz. butter or margarine for
folding in the dough
egg, beaten for brushing on top
1/23/4 C apricot jam or marmalade
1/41/3 C
canned fruit filling or preserves
1/23/4 C nut streusel
1/23/4 C cheese filling

Variation: Danish Pastries (Yield 8)

Follow steps 1 to 6 on P.29. Follow step 7, but
1 repeat the process of folding into thirds and
placing in tne refrigerator four times, instead of three.
Finally, wrap and chill for several hours or overnight.
Roll out the
2 dough into
17 inches.
Cut into 8 squares.
Roll each out into
about 7 inch square.
Place the filling of
3 your choice in the
center of each square.
Brush the four corners
lightly with water to
help them seal when
pressed together.
Fold two
4 opposite
corners over the
Press down firmly
to seal together.
Fold the other two
5 corners over the
center and press all
four corners tightly
Place on greased baking pan. Spray water
6 on top.
Proof, brush with beaten egg and bake as
7 croissants.

Brioche (Yield 12)

16 oz. (31/4 C) bread flour
2 TBSP sugar
11/2 TBSP dry milk
11/2 tsp salt
3 fl.oz. (3/8 C) water
3 oz. (1/2 C) butter or margarine
4 eggs
21/2 tsp dry yeast
1 egg, beaten for brushing
on top
12 brioche or cake cups
Make the dough according to instructions on
Place the dough in a greased bowl. Cover.
2Rest the dough in the refrigerator for 30
Divide the dough into 12 equal portions. Roll
3each portion into a ball. Cover with a plastic
wrap and rest for 20 minutes.
Using the edge
4 of the hand,
pinch off about
one-fourth of the
dough without
detaching it. Roll
the dough on the
bench so that both
parts are round.
Place the dough
5 in the tin large-
end first.
With fingertips, press
the small ball around
its circumference into
the large one.
Place tins on
baking pan. Spray
water on top. Proof at
90¡F for 30 to 50
minutes or
until the
larger ball rises
above the tin.
Brush with beaten egg.
7 Bake in 350¡F oven for 10 to 15 minutes or
until golden brown.
Use the edge of the
hand and roll.
Select DOUGH mode
C=cup(s), tsp=teaspoon(s), TBSP=Tablespoon(s)
<Note for measuring flour>
The amounts shown in ( ) are not as precise as weight measurements.
For better results, please use weight measurements. (1 cup = 4.92 oz.)
( ) : measurements not as precise as weight measurements.
( ) : measurements not as precise as weight measurements.