Panasonic SDR-S26P Deleting scenes/files one at Time, Deleting multiple scenes/ files

Models: SDR-S26P SDR-S26PC

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Deleting scenes/files


The deleted scenes/files cannot be restored.


¬Deleting motion picture scenes:

Rotate the mode dial to select .

¬Deleting still picture files:

Rotate the mode dial to select .

Deleting scenes/files one at


1Press the button during playback.

2When the confirmation message appears

Select [YES], then press the joystick.

Deleting multiple scenes/ files

1 Press the button in the thumbnail display.

2 Select [SELECT] or [ALL] and press the joystick.

(Only when [ALL] is selected)

All the scenes/files on the SD card except the locked scenes/files will be deleted. Proceed to step 5.

When the date is selected in Motion Picture Playback, all scenes on the selected date are deleted.

3 (Only when [SELECT] is selected in step 2)

Select the scene/file to be deleted, then press the joystick.

The selected scene/file is encircled by a red frame.



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Panasonic SDR-S26PC operating instructions Deleting scenes/files one at Time, Deleting multiple scenes/ files