Panasonic SDR-S26PC To disconnect USB cable safely, Example folder structure

Models: SDR-S26P SDR-S26PC

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Windows 2000:

Example folder structure

SD-Video format motion pictures are stored in the [PRG¢¢¢] folder. (“¢¢¢” denotes base-16 (hexadecimal) characters from 001 to FFF.)

Up to 99 files can be recorded in the [PRG¢¢¢] folder.

JPEG format still pictures (IMGA0001.JPG etc.) are stored in the [100CDPFP] folder.

Up to 999 files can be recorded in the [100CDPFP] or other such folder.

The DPOF setting files are stored in the [MISC] folder.

Copying still pictures on PC

Card reader/writer function (mass storage) When the unit is connected to a PC and the SD card can be used as an external drive, still pictures on the drive can be copied to the PC with Windows Explorer or other programs.

1Double click the folder that contains the files on the drive ([100CDPFP] etc.).

2Drag and drop the files onto the destination folder (on the PC hard disk).

Do not delete the SD card’s folders. Doing so may make the SD card unusable in this unit.

Always use this unit to format SD cards.

To disconnect USB cable safely

1 Double click the () icon in task tray.

Hardware disconnect dialog appears.

Depending on your PC’s settings, this icon may not be displayed.

2 Select [USB Mass Storage Device] and click [Stop].

3 Verify [MATSHITA SD VIDEO CAMERA USB Device] is selected and click [OK].

Click [Close], and you can safely disconnect the cable.



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Panasonic SDR-S26PC To disconnect USB cable safely, Example folder structure, Double click the icon in task tray