Panasonic SDR-S26PC Deleting the copied scenes collectively, Press the button

Models: SDR-S26P SDR-S26PC

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To unselect the scene/file, press the joystick again.

Up to 50 scenes/files can be selected to be deleted.

4 (Only when [SELECT] is selected in step 2)

Press the button.

5 When the confirmation message appears

Select [YES], then press the joystick.

(Only when [SELECT] is selected in step 2)

To continue deleting other scenes/files

Repeat steps 3 to 5.

To complete editing

Press the MENU button.

You can also delete scenes/files by the menu. Select [EDIT SCENE] or [PICT. SETUP] # [DELETE].

In case of [ALL], the deletion may take time if there are many scenes/files.

Deleting the copied scenes collectively

Scenes copied to a disc using the DVD burner or the supplied software (DVD COPY function) can be deleted as a group.

Copied icon ( ) is indicated in the thumbnail display after copying. (l 68)

1 Select the menu. (l 25)



2 When the confirmation message appears

Select [YES], then press the joystick.

The locked scenes or scenes of which copied information was destroyed cannot be deleted.

When you stop deleting halfway Press the MENU button while deleting.

≥ The scenes or still pictures that have already been deleted when the deletion is canceled cannot be restored.

Notes for deleting scenes/files

Do not turn off this unit while deleting.

When you delete scenes/files, use a battery with sufficient battery power or use the AC adaptor.

Do not open the SD card slot cover and remove the SD card while deleting scenes/files recorded on an SD card. The deletion will stop.

If files conforming to DCF standard are deleted, all the data related to the files will be deleted.

When deleting still picture files recorded on an SD card by other products, a still picture file (other than JPEG) that cannot be played back on this unit may be erased.

When a still picture is copied to an SD card using a PC and other equipment, it may not show up on the display of the unit. In this case, the image will not be deleted.



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Panasonic SDR-S26PC Deleting the copied scenes collectively, Press the button, To continue deleting other scenes/files