Control Branch
7-33910-A2-GN32-40 September 1998
ResetReset causes the modem to stop operation and perform a complete program restart. The modem
begins the power-up test sequence that ends with the Top-Level menu displayed on the LCD.
Configuration options stored in an Active (Saved) configuration area are copied to the Active
(Operating) configuration area.
To access Reset from the Control branch, make the following selection:
Control: >
Speaker Reset
F2 F3
Select Reset.
The message Reset appears momentarily before the modem performs the power-up diagnostic
test sequence.
Data StreamThe Data Stream function is not available in Async mode.
Use Data Stream to enable or disable the modem’s data transmitter function.
To access Data Stream from the Control branch, make the following selections:
F2 F3
Press the key until Data_Stream appears. Select Data_Stream.
The Data Stream action which is available (Disable or Enable) appears on the second line of the
LCD beside the word Port1. If the modem’s data transmitter is enabled, the word Disable
appears to indicated that you may disable the data transmitter by selecting this action.
Data Stream
Port1 Disable
F2 F3