
9820-A2-GB20-20 June 2000
Setting Up OpenLane forFrameSaver Devices 9
This chapter includes:
OpenLane Support of FrameSaver Devices
Setting Up the OpenLane SLM System
Setting Up FrameSaver SLV Support

OpenLane Support of FrameSaver Devices

Paradyne’s OpenLane Service Level Management (SLM) system supports all
FrameSaver and FrameSaver SLV devices with the following features:
HWeb and database services
HWeb access to health and status information
HWeb access to real-time, as well as historical graphs and reports
HWeb access to SLV reports
HOn-demand polling of FrameSaver devices
HWeb-based diagnostic tests: end-to-end, PVC loopbacks, connectivity, and
physical interface tests
HBasic device configuration
HAutomatic SLV device and PVC discovery of SLV devices with their
SLV Delivery Ratio configuration option enabled
HEasy firmware downloads to an entire network or parts of the network
HDevice reset capability
HHP OpenView adapters for integrating OpenLane with the OpenView Web