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Congratulations on the purchaseof your new ParasoundD/AC-800 Digital-to-Analog Converter. It hasbeendesignedto extractgreatermusical detail from any digital source. If you

are using it to upgrade your CD player, you will find the D/ AC-800 makes a world of improvement. You will enjoy more of the warmth and depth that has previously been associated only with the finest analog sources.

Your D/AC-800 setsnew performancestandardsat its modestprice. Its high quality parts, double

power supply, high current drive analogstages,plus hookup and operating flexibility are superior to evenmany far more expensiveD-A converters. To assurefullest musical enjoyment, pleasetake

a few momentsto readtheseinstructionscompletely.


Open the cartonof your D/AC-800 carefully and inspectthe unit for possibleshipping damage. Now is the time to report any damageto your dealer. You will find the detachableAC line cord packedseparatelyinside the carton. We do not recommenduseof any other line cord.

Savethe plastic bag, styrofoam insertsand carton. You may needtheselater for transporting the D/AC-800 or for shipmentin the eventit ever requiresfactory servicing. Recordthe serial number

(on rear panel) here for referencein caseyour unit is stolen:



You should locateyour D/AC-800 ascloseaspossibleto your digital source. Keep your unit out of direct sunlight, away from heatsourcessuchasa hot air registeror radiator and away from windows which might be left opento let in rain.

If you are stacking your components,you should avoid placing your D/AC-800 on top of heat-

producing components, such as power amplifiers or tube-type preamps. You should keep it as far as possible from your tuner or receiver to avoid interference from its RF local oscillator circuits.

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Parasound D/AC-800 manual Placement, AC-800Digital/AnalogConverter