firewall show 52
Model 3231 CLI Reference Guide 5 • Firewall Commands
firewall show

Display information about a firewall setting.

Example Output: firewall show IDS

--> firewall show IDS
Firewall IDS:
IDS Enabled: true
Use Blacklist: false
Use Victim Protection: false
Dos Attack Block Duration: 1800
Scan Attack Block Duration: 86400
Victim Protection Block Duration: 600
Max TCP Open Handshaking Count: 100
Max PING Count: 15
Max ICMP Count: 100

Example Output: firewall show IDS blacklist

--> firewall show IDS blacklist
ALCWGetIDSBlackList succeeded, returned number = 0

Example Output: firewall show policy pex_in

--> firewall show policy pex_in
Firewall Policy: pex_in
Interface Type 1: external
Interface Type 2: internal
Allow Only Validator: false
Table 34. firewall show
Command Explanation
firewall show IDS blacklist Show the hosts that are currently blacklisted by
the intrusion detection system.
firewall show policy <name> Display information about a specific policy that
was added to the firewall.
firewall show portfilter <name> <policyname> Display information about a specific portfilter
that was added to a firewall policy.
firewall show validator <name> <policyname> Display information about a specific validator
that was added to a firewall policy.