ip interface 88
Model 3231 CLI Reference Guide 8 • IP Commands
ip interface

Configure an IP interface.

Note Begin each top-level command in the table below with
ip interface <name>.
Table 66. ip interface <name>
Command Explanation
add proxyarpentry <ipaddress> Configure proxy ARP functionality on an
existing IP interface.
proxyarpentry <ipaddress> <netmask> Enter the netmask address of the interface.
proxyarpexclusion <ipaddress> Configure proxy ARP exclusion functional-
ity on an existing IP interface.
proxyarpexclusion <ipaddress> <netmask> Enter the netmask address of the interface.
secondaryipaddress <ipaddress> Add a secondary IP address to an existing
IP interface.
secondaryipaddress <ipaddress> <netmask> Enter the netmask address of the interface.
clear proxyarpentries Clear all proxy ARP entries and exclusions.
secondaryipaddresses Delete all additional IP addresses that have
been added to an existing IP interface.
delete proxyarpentry <number> Delete a specific proxy ARP entry.
proxyarpexclusion <number> Delete a specific proxy ARP exclusion
secondaryipaddress <number> Delete a specific secondary IP address.
list proxyarpentries Display information about proxy ARP
entries and exclusions.
secondaryipaddresses Display a list of secondary IP addresses
and netmasks that have been added to an
existing IP interface.