system list 167
Model 3231 CLI Reference Guide 18 • System Commands
system list

List system information.

Example Output: system list errors

--> system list errors
When | What
Thu, 01 Jan 2004 - 00:00:00| webserver:Invalid argument:failed to set the SNTP host to
Thu, 01 Jan 2004 - 00:27:38| webserver:Failed to add new secondary address

Example Output: system list logins

--> system list logins
May Authenticate Access
ID | Name | Conf. | Remote | Level | Comment
1 | superuser | ENABLED | ENABLED | superuser | Default Superuser
2 | monitor | ENABLED | disabled | default | Default monitor user

Example Output: system list openfiles bun

--> system list openfiles bun
qid devuse appuse colour flags lasterrno
console 00000059 00000000 00400000 3 0
console 0000002f 00000000 00400000 5 0
console 00000005 00000000 00400000 5 0

Table 124. system list

Command Explanation

system list errors Display system error log.

system list logins Display system users.

system list openfiles <name> List open file handles.

system list users Display system users.