Address | Name | Range (Decimal) |
(Hex) |
00 | Model Selection | High nib is Cabinet Model, |
| Low nib is Amp Model, |
| Clockwise rotation for both nibs: |
| 0 = Red / 2x10 |
| 1 = 360 / 1x18 |
| : : : |
| 7 = Freddie K / Alloy 4x10 |
01 | Hardware Control Bits | |
| 4 = Compressor On |
| 5 = Analog Overdrive On |
| 6 = Tweeter On |
02 | <reserved> | 0 |
03,04 | Pre Gain | |
| enabled) |
05,06 | Low | |
07,08 | Mid | |
09,0A | Mid Shift | |
0B,0C | High | |
0D,0E | Post Gain | |
0F,10 | <reserved> | 0 |
11,12 | Speed/Adj (primary/off, secondary/on) | |
13,14 | Depth (primary/off, secondary/on) | |
15 | Effect Type | |
| Octave, Synth, Fretless, Funk Wah, |
| Distortion |
16 | Effect Tweak 1 | |
17 | Effect Tweak 2 | |
<reserved> | 0 | |
1E | EFX Mode Status Bits (Soft) | High nib is <reserved> |
| Low nib is EFX mode status: |
| Bit 0 is Boost (on/secondary = high) |
| Bit 1 is <reserved> |
| Bit 2 is Effect On (on = high) |
| Bit 3 is Effect Alt. (on/secondary = high) |
Values are automatically set with effect selection, adjust after to tweak. Available tweaks are shown in table below.
| Tweak 1 | Tweak 2 |
Chorus | - | Crossover Frequency |
Flanger | Delay Time | Crossover Frequency |
Phaser | - | - |
Octave | Tone | - |
Synth | Frequency | Resonance |
Fretless | Frequency | Resonance |
Funk Wah | Frequency | Resonance |
Distortion | Low Rolloff | Dry Level |