Midi Local
If you are using your pRP6 via MIDI as a controlling device connected to an external sound generator (expander, keyboard, etc.), when you play, you will hear the expander’s sounds together with the pRP6 Sounds. If you prefer to listen to the expander’s sounds alone, you can choose to exclude the RP sounds by setting the MIDI Local function to OFF.
Setting this function to OFF disconnects the keyboard from the internal generator and transmits keyboard data via the pRP6 MIDI OUT only.
The Midi Local function does not play a reference note during the setting operation.
1.Press and hold the MIDI Local function key (F7) and press the DATA n button once.
Play the same note, or a note anywhere along the keyboard. You will not hear any sound.
This is because MIDI LOCAL OFF setting has disconnected the keyboard from the internal sound engine. This setting will allow you to play your external expander’s sounds via MIDI without hearing the pRP6 sounds.
2.To return to MIDI LOCAL ON, press and hold the MIDI Local function key, (F7) and press the DATA m button.
Play the same note, or a note anywhere on the keyboard. This time the keyboard will play. Via MIDI, with MIDI LOCAL ON, you will be able to play the pRP6 sounds together with the external expander’s sounds.