Setting Automatic mix inputs 1–4
Initial Adjustment of the automix inputs
a.Begin by setting the channel Priority or Group Assign switch. (Pulpit: normal
automix; Wireless: Priority automix).
b.Set the channel Compressor threshold (CMP THRESH) fully clockwise (Off).
c.Set the Main Master faders(s) to
d.Gain control Full
e.Channel fader 0 (Full up).
g.Adjust the EQ controls for a natural sound quality.
Main Master
Faders set to
h. MUTE the channel and repeat steps
Initial Adjustment of other “Permanent” microphones.
Each of these inputs will be adjusted individually using the same procedure.
a.Set the Solo and Choir Group Off Level control to the full
b.Set the Solo and Choir Group Compression control to the full
c.Set the channel group assign switch. (Solo or Choir).
d.Set the channel gain control full
e.Set the channel fader to 0.
f.Unmute the channel and increase the channel gain control for a nice level in the room without feedback.
g.Adjust the EQ controls for a natural sound quality.
h.MUTE the channel and repeat steps c – g for the remaining microphone channels.
At this point you should have created a rough mix of all of the mics normally used during a service. The channel faders for these mics should all be set at 0.