Other outputs

Record (REC) output. This output is a stereo output intended for recording or broadcast. A switch is provided to engage the AUTO-LEVEL circuit to reduce the dynamic range of the recording.

Auxiliary (AUX) output. This output can be used for sending audio to other places, such as the narthex, cry room, nursery etc. or it can be used as a broadcast feed. A switch is provided to engage the AUTO-LEVEL circuit to reduce dynamic range.

NOTE: AUTO-LEVEL reduces the variation in volume between loud and soft. Although the variation in volume (dynamic range) is an important part of the service, it can make listening in other rooms, the nursery, cry room, narthex, at home or in the car more difficult. The AUTO-LEVEL automatically reduces the dynamic range to make listening in these environments easier.


Aux Out



The S-14P is identical to the S-14 except for the addition of a dual 500 Watt power amplifier. In planning the installation using the S-14AP you will need to consider how those amplifiers will be used. The power amplifier mode switch on the rear of the units sets the amplifiers as stereo Left/Right outputs or one amplifier for the main system and the second for Monitor 1.

Gain to 0

S-14 Setup Procedure:

Now that you have read the section on planning your installation and you have connected the mixer to your system, it is time to start adjusting the mixer for proper operation. Again, the written procedure appears to be long, but you will be rewarded with better sound and easier operation. As you go through this procedure, you will notice that many of the steps you will go through twice. Many of the controls on the mixer affect other settings. For example, we need to get the microphone gain set in the ballpark so that we can hear how the mics sound. At that point, we can adjust the equalization and the Feedback Ferret. Because equalization is nothing more than frequency-selective gain adjustment, we must readjust the gain when the equalization is complete. Ultimately it is virtually impossible to arrive at settings that never change. The goal here to get things as close as possible and make little adjustments along the way as needed. Periodically, you may need to step back and repeat this procedure.

At this point, it is assumed that the mixer is installed and the rest of the sound system has been setup and adjusted. To aid in set up of the mixer, a CD player, tape machine or other music source will be needed.

For first time setup, start by setting the S-14 controls as follows:

a.All channel mixer faders full down.

b.Monitor master faders full down. (Master Section)

c.All channel EQ controls set to 0 (Center)

d.Main output trim control set full counter-clockwise. (Back panel)

e.Monitor Power amplifier input controls down. (Full counter-clockwise.)

f.All channel gain and trim controls set full counter-clockwise.

g.All channel monitor (MON) and effects EFX send controls down (full counter-clockwise)

h.Solo and Choir Noise reduction controls set full counter-clockwise. (Master Section)

EQ to 0

Mon 1

Mon 2


Set to 0

Faders down


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Image 17
Peavey S-14P owner manual Other outputs, Setup Procedure