Master Module Summary
The MASTER module of X-Monitor serves multiple purpose.
The module contains the following sections:
• Matrix Output EQ and high pass filter
• Matrix Output mix
• Matrix Output control
• A and B Output control with 100mm faders
• Common Return master control
• Microprocessor Mute Controller
• Monitor control with 100mm fader
• Alternate and Headphone Outputs
• Talkback Control
• Solo Control
Matrix section
X-Monitor includes a unique matrix output system. Signal is assigned from Input and/or
Group modules into a mix bus section. These mix buses contains no front panel control or
output connectors,but rather are a source for the matrix system. Four output matrixes are
included. Each has separate control of master levels from mixes 13, 14,15, and 16, as well as
an external input connector. Each matrix output includes level control,Solo switch and
microprocessor mute system.A five-band output EQ is available on each matrix output.
The matrix section may be used in a number of different ways:
Effects Sends - The most basic application of the matrix system is to feed effects devices from
individual input channels without any required re-patching. When used in this application,
matrix 1 would have mix 13 level control set to unity with all other level controls on matrix
1 (except output level) set fully counter-clockwise (or off).Matrix 2 would have mix 14 level
control set to unity with all other level controls on matrix 2 (except output level) set fully
counter-clockwise (or off). This same set up would be repeated with matrix 3 (mix 15) and
matrix 4 (mix16).
Master section 3