Bus A & Bus B master controls
The Bus A and Bus B circuits are internal mix buses that can be fed from any Input or Group
module by using the A and B assignment switches located next to the fader on each mod-
ule.The feed to these buses is always post-fader.These buses are similar to the Bus 13-16
internal buses except that:
1) The feed to Bus A & B is always post-fader.Feed to Bus 13-16 can be globally switched
to pre-fader.
2) The Bus A & B circuits have their own master faders with TB,Polarity,programmable
Mute and Solo switches.Bus 13-16 circuits only feed the matrix section.
SIG/ PK (Signal/Peak)
This dual-color LED shows the signal conditions within the Bus A (B) circuits.Varying
intensity GREEN shows signal present at the mix bus, RED indicates that signals are
approaching or have exceeded clip levels anywhere within the circuits.The Peak circuit mon-
itors the mix bus and the pre and post fader signals.The LED will illuminate RED when any
signal comes within 3dB of clipping.
TLK TO (Talk To)
This switch (when depressed) allows the signal from the TalkBack section to be mixed
into the Bus A (B) circuits.

Ø (Polarity Reverse)

The polarity of the Bus A (B) output is reversed when this switch is depressed.
MUTE (Micro-Programmable)
This switch mutes the Bus A (B) outputs.The SAFE/PREV LED located directly below
the switch shows mico-mute status.See the Mico Section of the Owners manual for details
on its operation.
This 100mm fader controls the level of the post-fader output from Bus A (B)
This switch is used to add/remove the Bus A (B) signal from the Solo Bus.The inter-
nal LED (Yel) will illuminate whenever the Solo is active.In the X-Monitor,the Solo system
makes a distinction between Inputs and Outputs.The Bus A (B) solo is treated as an Output
by the Solo system.Both the pre-fader and post-fader signals can be monitored, See the
Solo Section of the manual for details on the different solo functions and modes.
Master section 3