Copying a mute scene
Mute Scenes can be copied from a Sequenced Scene (Patch) to a Manual Mute Scene.Manual
Mutes cannot be copied to Sequenced Scenes or to each other.To copy a Sequenced Scene
into a Manual Mute Scene,follow the steps outlined below.
1) Press the Edit Preview button (C),it will begin to blink, indicating that the system
is in Edit Preview Mode.
2) Select Sequenced Scenes by pressing the Sequence Scene (G) button;it will illu-
3) Scroll to the Scene to be copied using the Up/Down (A) keys to change the
Display (B).
4) Hold down the Sequence Scene button.The display will show "Cpy?".
5) Still holding down the Sequence Scene button (G), now also press the desired
Manual Mute switch (H).The display will show "Copy", and the Sequenced Scene
Mute pattern is copied to the target Manual Mute,over-writing whatever pattern may
have originally been there.
6) You can now select the newly created Manual Mute Scene for editing by pressing
its select switch (G).The copied Mute pattern will be there, you can use that as a
starting point for your edits.
7) Exit back to Normal mode when you’re done by pressing Edit Preview (C) again.
NOTE:You can use this copy feature as a way to "Back-up" your Manual Mute Scenes,
even though you can’t copy from Manual Mutes to any other Mutes.Instead,use the
highest numbered Patches (120 to 127) to create the original versions of your
Manual Mute Scenes.Then use the copy function to transfer those patterns into the
Manual Mutes.You can always go back to the originals (120 to 127) and re-load (copy)
them into the Manual Mutes whenever needed.You can also use Patch 128 as an All
Mute memory.Program it with all channels muted, you can then copy it to a Manual
Mute when you need to start a Scene with all channels muted instead of all channels
un-muted ( you already have a way to start a Scene with all channels un-muted,you
can hold down the Edit Safe button to clear all mutes in a Scene when editing).
Microprocessor control 4