The Safe Scene
There may be occasions when a channel needs to be made "Safe" from all programmed
mutes.This may occur during a show when an on-stage microphone needs to be used as an
announce mic, or a switch-over has to be made to a backup channel due to some technical
difficulty.The Safe Scene allows a channel to be removed from the control of all Mute Scenes
without having to edit any of the scenes.Once a channel is assigned to the Safe Scene, it will
ignore all Mute Scene commands.The Mute Scenes themselves are not altered, its only the
channels response that has been changed.This allows temporary changes to be made to a
show,due to nightly needs, without having to go in and edit the programmed scenes.Youll
probably need the original scenes, as is,the next time the show is performed. NOTE:The
Local mute command is not affected by this Safe,the Local mute is always effective.
The Safe Scene is always active,if a channel is assigned to the Safe Scene, it will ignore any
mute commands from a Mute Scene.The Status LED (J) of a channel will be a steady Green
color if a channel is Safe.
Editing the Safe Scene:
1) Enter Edit Safe Mode:Press the Edit Safe button (D), it will begin to blink,indi-
cating that the system is in Edit Safe Mode.
2) Select a channel to safe: Pressing the Mute Sw (K) of a channel will assign/de-
assign a channel to the Safe Scene.The status LED (J) of any channel assigned to the
Safe Scene will blink Green.If a channel is currently muted because of a Mute Scene,
assigning it to the Safe Scene will immediately un-mute it.
3) Clearing the Safe Scene: If you wish to clear all assigned channels from the
Safe Scene, press and hold the Edit Preview (C) button.After a second or two,the
display will change to CLR?. Continue to hold the button down until the display
shows CLRD.All channels assigned to the Safe Scene will be de-assigned and you can
start fresh.
4) Exit Edit Safe Mode: Press the blinking Edit Safe button (D) again.It will stop
blinking and the system will return to Normal mode.Any blinking Green status LEDs
will turn to steady Green indicating that the channel is in Safe mode.If a channel was
previously being muted by only a Mute Scene (status LED was steady Red),but is now
"Safe",the status LED will show steady Green and the Mute LED (L) will be off. If the
channel was being muted by a Local mute,it will remain muted.The Safe Scene does
not affect Local Mutes.
NOTE:Assigning a channel to the Safe Scene can be done quickly if an emergency
arises and a programmed channel has to be un-muted. Its a simple 3 step process:
1) Press the Edit Safe Sw to enter Edit Safe mode
2) Press the Mute Sw of the desired channel- The channel will un-muted at this point.
3) Press the Edit Safe Sw again to return to Normal mode
Microprocessor control 4