Solo features
Solo Control System
The X-Monitor is equipped with a powerful stereo solo system.Any input or output
can be monitored pre-level (PFL) or after level control (AFL),as desired.The system
may be set as additive (all channels selected on solo bus),or exclusive, so that only
one solo switch is active at a time ("last pressed"). Input Priority Mode is switch-
selectable.This mode gives higher priority to the Inputs and automatically de-selects
any solo’d outputs when an Input is solo’d.When the Input is de-selected(or the
CLEAR sw is pressed),the previously active Output solo(s) return. Individual LEDs
indicate whether the solo system was triggered by an Input or Output.Any signal
being solo'd appears on the dedicated left and right solo meters on the meter bridge,
and is audible in the stereo headphone system and the Monitor outputs.Solo func-
tions may be canceled by re-tapping any illuminated solo switch, or all solo switch-
es may be simultaneously canceled using the Solo Clear switch.
Solo controls
SOLO ACTIVE (Solo status indicators)
Input - This Green LED illuminates whenever an Input channel is solo’d.
Output - This Red LED illuminates whenever an Output channel is solo’d.
INPUT PRIORITY (Solo I/O preference)
All solo signal sources are given equal weight.Input and Output solos can both
be monitored simultainiously.
Greater weight is given to Input Solos (Input channels,Common Returns, Local
Returns) than to Output solos.
LAST PRESSED (Solo Operating Mode)
Solo system is in “additive” mode.Pressing a solo switch will add that channel
to the solo bus, pressing again will remove it.As many channels as desired can be
combined and monitored.Input Priority has control over the mix (see above).
Solo system is in Last Pressed mode. Pressing any solo switch will clear (un-
solo)any other solo’d. Only one source (the one last-pressed) can be monitored at
a time.Pressing the same solo switch again will remove it from the solo system.
POST FADER (Solo source select)
Pre-fader signals are monitored by the Solo system.Fader, Output level con-
trols and Mutes do not affect the signal.
Post-fader signals are monitored.This point is after the Fader or Output level
control and also after the Mute switch.
SOLO ACTIVE / CLEAR (Solo tally / Master clear)
This momentary,illuminated switch provides two functions.
1.Solo active - When any input/output on the console is solo'd, this switch it lit up.
2.Clear - Pressing this switch will clear (shut off) any inputs/outputs on the console
that are solo'd.This is especially useful when the solo system is in Additive mode,to
clear multiple solos with one button press.When in Input Priority mode, the first
press will clear any Input solos present,the second press will clear any Output solos
that may return.
Master section 3