First Steps
ISO, and white balance settings. The shooting conditions are not held in the following cases:
• Self-timer
• Intervaltimershooting
• Intervalcomposite
• 3 mode


The self-timer can be set to two seconds or a custom setting. A setting of two

seconds is useful for preventing camera shake. With [Custom Self-Timer], you

can set the storage capacity and the shooting interval.

1 Press the t button.
The Self-timer setting screen appears.
Pressing the t button switches between [Self-Timer 2 Sec], [Custom Self-
Timer], and [Self-Timer Off].
2 Take a picture.
The AF auxiliary light lights when the self-
timer starts.

Note -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

• Thecameraremainsinself-timermodeevenaftertheimageisshot.Tocanceltheself-timer,change
• Whentheself-timerissetto[Self-Timer2Sec],theAFauxiliarylightdoesnotlight.
• When[CustomSelf-Timer]isset,thefollowingitemsaresetin[CustomSelf-Timer]inthe[Shooting]
Number of shots 1 to 10 (Default is 2.)
Shooting interval 5 to 10 sec. (Default is 5 sec.)
• Whenthenumberofshotsistwoormore,thefocusisfixedatthepositionofthefirstshot.
• Thet button is used as the Fn2 button. The self-timer cannot be used when a function other than
theself-timerisregistered with [Fn2 Button Setting] (GP.107) in the [Key Custom Options]
• [CustomSelf-Timer]cannotbeselectedwhenthefocusissetto[Subj.Tracking].