Various Shooting Functions

Playing Back Movies

1 Press the 6 button.
The camera goes into playback mode.
2 Select a movie with the #$


Movies are indicated by a 3 icon.
The first frame of the movie is displayed as
a still image.
3 Press the ! button.
Playback starts.
A progress indicator and the elapsed time
are shown.
The following operations can be performed.
Pause/resume ! button
Stop " button
Adjust Volume X/Y button
Slow Playback/Slow Rewind #$ buttons while playback is paused
Fast Forward/Rewind #$ buttons during playback
Save Still Image Fn2 button while playback is paused
Note -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
• IftheFn2buttonispressedwhileplaybackispaused,thestillimagebeingshowncanbesavedasa
JPEG file.
• TheFastForward/Rewindspeedswitcheseachtimethebuttonispressed.
• QuickTimeisrequiredtoplaybackmoviesthathavebeentransferredtoacomputer.